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Product Name:Pyramid Mosinet Pop Up Bed Net (Single)Pyramid Mosinet Pop Up Bed Net (Double)Pyramid Pop Up Mosi Net with Head Dome (Single)Lifesystems Expedition Freestanding GeoNet (Single)LifeSystems Arc Freestanding Bed Net (Double)
Pyramid Mosinet Pop Up Bed Net (Single)Pyramid Pop Up Mosi Net with Head DomeLifeSystems Freestanding GeoNet (Single)LifeSystems Arc Freestanding Bed Net (Double)
Midges or Mosquitoes?MosquitoesMosquitoes Mosquitoes Mosquitoes and MidgesMosquitoes
Holes per square inch3003003001001156
Treated with insecticide?Longlife treatment using Zi Technology Fabric Impregnation. This treatment remains effective for up to 2 years and can be washed up to 35 timesLonglife treatment using Zi Technology Fabric Impregnation. This treatment remains effective for up to 2 years and can be washed up to 35 timesLonglife treatment using Zi Technology Fabric Impregnation. This treatment remains effective for up to 2 years and can be washed up to 35 timesTreated with EX8 Anti-Mosquito treatment that lasts for 2 yearsTreated with EX8 Anti-Mosquito treatment that lasts for 2 years
Hanging systemPop Up frame supports the net – the edge of the net must be tucked underneath the mattress or pegged to the ground though to give the frame something to work againstPop Up frame supports the net – the edge of the net must be tucked underneath the mattress or pegged to the ground though to give the frame something to work againstSelf Supporting net with pop up head domeFree standing dome-shaped netWedge-shaped self supporting design
Dimensions0.95m x 2m x 1.55m high1.65m W x 2m L x 1.5m H0.95m W x 2.3m L x 0.7m H0.90m W x 2.1m L x 0.87m H1.40m W x 1.95m L x 1.03m H
Pack formatShower-proof stuff sack with a draw string and toggleShower-proof stuff sack with a draw string and toggleShower-proof stuff sack with a draw string and toggleShowerproof stuff sackShowerproof stuff sack
Size when packed30cm dia x 8cm thick30cm dia x 8cm thick29cm x 8cm35L x 10H x 10W cm36L x 12H x 12W cm
Weight (including pouch)1kg1.25kg700g1.1kg820g
FeaturesSelf-supporting pop up dome with a zip in the side for accessSelf-supporting pop up dome with a zip in the side for accessPeg loops and a tough skirt all the way round the edge of the net so it can be pegged down to the ground or tucked under a mattress if requiredBuilt-in hard wearing waterproof groundsheet with lightweight aluminium poles, internal pocket and attachment points and 4 x aluminium pegs also included.Nylon skirting material with 4 lashing points and twin zipped doors for easy access
The Purple Turtle Says…“It can also be used over a camp bed or on the ground outside if the edges are pegged down to brace it”“It can also be used over a camp bed or on the ground outside if the edges are pegged down to brace it”“Can be used anywhere without having to find a hook to hang it from”“Perfect for backpackers, the whole mosquito net folds neatly into its own stuff sack”“It’s quick and easy to erect and it’s ideal for travelers staying in accommodation where it might not be possible to hang a net from the ceiling”